Never one to let a crisis go to waste, the Pentagon is taking advantage of recent turmoil to expand its already-impressive reach to the American homeland.
Although generations of precedent and law forbid the military from conducting the kinds of operations it oversees within the US, the rise of ‘new threats’ presents its leaders with opportunities for wiggle room. The fact that so many federal agencies have militarized their personnel makes this task much easier, with the Pentagon now able to claim that it is just one, heavily-armed government organization among many.
While terrorism has served as the primary excuse for increasing the government’s power, the resurgence of Russia has been increasingly cited as necessitating such action. The most paranoid of these calls claim that drastic action must be taken to prevent the Russians from interfering in our election, something that fits in nicely with the desire of top military brass to become more active in the domestic sphere.
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Electorial vote is crooked.
It’s the left lying its not Russia they think we are all stupid they are playing us . All they want is that lying woman in office . No matter what it cost even people dying . They don’t care !
This is to steal the election for Hillary,plain and simple. Over half the states,including mine,have paper ballots or some kind of reciept. Impossible to hack. Most states that have electronic voting only are democrat run. It was democrats that pushed for them. In 2012,the had election officials removed from several voting districts in PA,OH,NY,and Virginia. Those officials immediately filed an injunction,judge ordered them back about 4hrs later. Barak Obama amazingly won each of those districts in a landslide. Funny,and main problem was,polling ,both exit and preelection had Romney winning by about 10 points. Other examples were towns in OHIO,PA etc,that Obama carried OVERWHELMINGLY. Only problem was each of those districts had an unbelievable turnout. In fact,some towns had 135% turnout. Meaning YES,more people turned out to vote Obama,than were registered to vote. Some districts,even had more votes for Obama than they had people living in them. Some districts had Obama taking that district with a full 100% of the vote. No,thats not a type o. Literally,Obama got every single vote,Romney didnt even get 1 vote.
Anyways, Hillary,Obama,democrats and elite republicans are committing voter fraud like CRAZY. Im sure some of you have seen it,but so far their are cases of fraud in Arizona,California’Connecticut,Virginia,N.Carolina,South Carolina,Illinois,Colorado, Nevada,Florida,Oregon,Washington and Tennessee. These have all hit the news (real news,NOT main stream) within the past 6 months of cases of voter fraud. This includes primaries. Everything from already filled out ballots(10k) sitting in an empty warehouse. Coincidentally all just so happen to be filled out for Hillary and Democrats. Undercover video of Hillarys voter registration was on video registering people to vote for Hillary,then handing them an absentee ballot so they can vote again by mail. Even ripping up Republican voter registration forms. Many states are finding thousands of dead people who just registered for Hillary. In Arizona,a state about 10x the size of mine,CT, always had between 24-38 different voting places. Well for some reason,they only had 3 this year. Im saying all this for 1 reason,Make sure if voting for TRUMP, that you clearly hit his button,then wait and CONFIRM that marked Trump and not HILLARY. That was NV,OR. People voting for Cruz or Trump were hitting button for Trump/Cruz,but voting machine marked Rubio. That happened alot in 2012.
Anyways,double check its who you want. ALSO,keep your eyes peeled for people voting then getting back in line to vote again. If their are people voting there,and you know for a fact,they cant vote,report it immediately. Not just to voting officials,but personally, I’d actually call Trump Campaign office to report it. Im sure they have a voter fraud line especially for c**p like this. Any changing votes,busses of people coming to vote,with out of state license plates etc. Report it to TRUMP campaign. We all know Hillary CAN NOT WIN unless she cheats,which is exactly what she is doing. You know how to tell if Hillarys losing? Watch the media(what garbage are they making a huge deal over),Watch the speaches she makes,where,and how many she makes there. Her deplorable comments,Bills rednecks,blaming russia for everything including global warming. Really ridiculous claims against Trump. Basically if Hillary is saying really offensive things or making really wild accusations,or suddenly we have 42 people claiming Trump touched,breathed,looked in their direction 30yrs ago. Yet no arrests,police reports,witnesses or anything but someone’s word. That is a sign of desperation. Im not making light of rape or anything,which is why i find it disgusting that Hillary throwing it out there for political points. If its something that has the potential to backfire bigtime if found untrue(which it has),and yet shes using it,shes desperate. If she was so safely ahead of Trump in every state as she and media are claiming, then she WOULDN’T talk or act in any way that could come back at her. She’d sit back and stop accusing Trump of everything under the sun. She wouldn’t make up stories that if checked,prove untrue. Watch what states she is spending the most on. What states shes campaigning the most in. Again,a politician is not going to campaign repeatedly or by tons of advertising in states shes handily winning. She’d use the money where shes not doing well. Like CT,where im at. Shes got tons of ads running all over the state. Now, unfortunately Connecticut has been a reliably blue state in the past. Yet,this is the first election ive ever seen here,where their is not 1 damn Hillary sign,not 1 bumpersticker,nothing. So far,I have yet to run into anybody supporting her. Even democrats,people who voted Obama 2x,are voting TRUMP. I do see Trump signs everywhere,i see bumper stickers everywhere. I literally don’t know anybody who will vote for her. That is the 1st time ever
I don’t think so the American people will rise up against you
We know we can’t trust the FBI they helped get Hillary off the hook. Her and Obama are sick evil people.
NO WAY !!!!
Soros is a sorry man..we need to deport him and get his tenacles out of our government. He controls bho, killary, jarrett and so many other dems !!!
id rather our country be blown up than have cliton as president. and it will happen
YOU will not take over the Electoral process..
No no no