Elections obviously have consequences, and one of those is manifested in the impact a president has on the makeup of the federal courts. When thinking about a president’s judicial nominations, attention typical is focused on the US Supreme Court since it makes the final decisions on matters of law. Yet, the district courts and appellate courts are very important as well, especially since not all cases appealed to the Supreme Court will be heard by that body, leaving the decision made by the lower court to stand as ruled.
Cases involving the Second Amendment are highly controversial, due largely to the entrenched interests on both side of the debate over an American’s right to keep and bear arms. Such a case has just been decided at the appellate court level, and the implications are serious. More on page two.
..but #SatanSaysNo
“logic” is not a legal concept.
Another very powerful reason why we need an Article V Convention of the Convention of States Project
BAR stands for #BritishAccreditationRegistry. Welcome to the #monarchy.
This is just crazy
Nope, it makes them irrelevant!
I could use a bar stand rite now with a beer
Yes and any one perpetrating any harm against someone exercising that right could be at harm.you can bet your$#%&!@*
Nope it makes sure u get home today
F**k off leftist judges…I’m still gonna carry and I dare any of you to try to disarm me.