Elections obviously have consequences, and one of those is manifested in the impact a president has on the makeup of the federal courts. When thinking about a president’s judicial nominations, attention typical is focused on the US Supreme Court since it makes the final decisions on matters of law. Yet, the district courts and appellate courts are very important as well, especially since not all cases appealed to the Supreme Court will be heard by that body, leaving the decision made by the lower court to stand as ruled.
Cases involving the Second Amendment are highly controversial, due largely to the entrenched interests on both side of the debate over an American’s right to keep and bear arms. Such a case has just been decided at the appellate court level, and the implications are serious. More on page two.
No it’s lunacy, so liberals will love it.
And those who legally have guns like the nut that killed those people in church in South Carolina and that nut that killed those kids at va tech
Dangerous for a government to try to rule.
Maybe to the criminal!!!
Dan W. Thares
Shall not be Infringed. Liberal nut jobs.
Police and military then would have the same consequences, along with the secret service and any armed guards. These folks are doing whatever they can to destroy the country they are employed by, I would think they have financial connections with anti American organizations
There will never be a law made or a restriction on the 2nd Amendment I will Obey !!! ………… My right to protect my family and myself comes from a much higher authority !
LAW ABIDING citizens are only dangerous to CRIMINALS when carrying a firearm.
With that ruling it out a police, and military and all our government body gaurding as armed and dangerous, How ignorant can these so called judge’s be! I always thought that the Constitution was looked at at a whole! Freaken libtards are tearing it up!