Elections obviously have consequences, and one of those is manifested in the impact a president has on the makeup of the federal courts. When thinking about a president’s judicial nominations, attention typical is focused on the US Supreme Court since it makes the final decisions on matters of law. Yet, the district courts and appellate courts are very important as well, especially since not all cases appealed to the Supreme Court will be heard by that body, leaving the decision made by the lower court to stand as ruled.
Cases involving the Second Amendment are highly controversial, due largely to the entrenched interests on both side of the debate over an American’s right to keep and bear arms. Such a case has just been decided at the appellate court level, and the implications are serious. More on page two.
Second Amendment Rights are highly controversial,????? Not to me they’re not! Much Ado about nothing! They have their rules and I have mine! Do the letters F.O. mean anything to the f-n courts??
The court said that if I’m armed that I’m dangerous, I am armed, I am dangerous, so don’t try to attack me. Might be the last mistake you ever make.
My gun is to big to carry so you will have to come to my house at night if you want to see it !!!!!!
that’s right, those who might harm you will think again
Yep!! Very dangerous!to bad people who want to do bad things or impose their will on me and/or my family
armed and dangerous is a term used by law enforcement. to describe a criminal . combining this in our constitutional rights In this way I would think is an attack to rewrite the constitution.
we need a federal conceal carry law good in all states
If they take your driver lic. does that enable you to operate a car? Same with carrying a weapon! I was carrying brass knuckles on each hand while in school! We rode city buses to school and every drunk, rapist, probably killer, punk, you name it could have been, and, sometimes was right next to us! @ 16 I carried a .22 pistol. It was a rough damn world out there and we were just kids! 14-15-16 and like that! A 16 yr. old was considered a man damn near! Some 14 yr. olds too, depending on the kid! I’m not gettin my$#%&!@*in a lurch and caught unarmed over some law a dude made up that wears a dress! These pussies they’re turning out now wouldn’t last a week on the streets! So they can continue to write their laws and I’ll continue to live my life the way I see fit! I’ve never heard of a judge that didn’t carry!
Frikin liberal judges writing law again.