Elections obviously have consequences, and one of those is manifested in the impact a president has on the makeup of the federal courts. When thinking about a president’s judicial nominations, attention typical is focused on the US Supreme Court since it makes the final decisions on matters of law. Yet, the district courts and appellate courts are very important as well, especially since not all cases appealed to the Supreme Court will be heard by that body, leaving the decision made by the lower court to stand as ruled.
Cases involving the Second Amendment are highly controversial, due largely to the entrenched interests on both side of the debate over an American’s right to keep and bear arms. Such a case has just been decided at the appellate court level, and the implications are serious. More on page two.
Giving power to people to decide what is right an wrong an you can do is even more dangerous an yes I mean judges. Who the hell are you to decide if I’m dangerous or not. You don’t me
Carrying a gun makes you safe.
Once again, an appeals court is establishing law instead of upholding the law. No where in the 4th amendment or the US Constitution does it say that by exercising my 2nd Amendment rights, I give up other rights given to my by the same document.
But the criminal that is carrying a gun is not? Why should the rich/elite have protection and not he law abiding citizen?
IMHO….the court’s do not have a right to change the constitution or to overule the president. If they can do that both are useless to our way of life.
My right, my decision and my responsibility!
Like gang members, drug dealers a d aim thugs carrying guns aren’t dangerous. The judge’s for the most part (and this is my opinion) have not got a clue as to reality. Try fixing the root problem then maybe so many of us law abiding citizens won’t carry.
Must not believe the Sedond amendment. You almost have to carry to be safe anymore with all the illegals there are around.
Obviously an extreme leftist court . This needs to be appealed and over turned.