Why the military being scaled back and the police force in the ‘homeland’ being built up?
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has reported on a plan to scale back the US Army to its smallest numbers since World War II.
Yes, our military is showing signs of wear and tear after 10+ years of fighting 2 wars, and, we as a nation are broke.
But the police force here at home is being built up drastically.
nothing will change untill you hang obungass
Part of Obama’s plan.
I think obama is going to declare marital law we all the ammunition, assault vehicles, and police he is trying to get behind him. It will never happen.
i can’t share your posts for some reasson but I’ve been telling my friends to follow your site
This administration wants war. And the WAR they want is civil they want to totally destroy America and it’s way of life. They want sharia law. They want total control. The past two administrations have been giving away parcels of land to China. This administration has armed our enemies and open our boarders to them as well. They don’t peace. They want total control, nothing less.
Why is Congress allowing this? The US is becoming a police state! The President can’t be the only one behind this.
Because our government wants to turn our country into a liberal zestpool of slaves. Fight back people
Ummm…let’s think about it….the military is down sizing and easiest transition for a soldier is to become a police officer. You conspiracy theorists are funny. How bout this, we provide work place training to the soldiers. Vwalla….issue solved.
there’s a lot out here that know how too shoot also don’t have too where a badge too do it why do you think we have hunting clothes