Why the military being scaled back and the police force in the ‘homeland’ being built up?
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has reported on a plan to scale back the US Army to its smallest numbers since World War II.
Yes, our military is showing signs of wear and tear after 10+ years of fighting 2 wars, and, we as a nation are broke.
But the police force here at home is being built up drastically.
Not a good thing ! ! !
I pray that our police will not be the puppets for our politicians
I don’t care what the idiots do,the fact remains we out power,outman,out gun and out ammo them to hell and back and we out experience them all too plus we would have the military on our side,makes all the diference
So true!!
yeah think about it.
How many, if any, are required to swear an oath to the Constitution, usually only a state oath ??
Well, isn’t that just swell. Decimate the troop, beef up the police, drones overhead. Part of Obama’s plan to make Americans bend over and take it up the tailpipe.
and yet our vets are getting screwed by our own goverment
Alan West on the demise of our Military…..http://allenbwest.com/2014/04/navy-losing-sailors-seals-emphasis-social-issues/