Army ROTC cadets were forced to walk in spray-painted, red high heels on Monday for an event titled “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” at Arizona State University.
“Attendance is mandatory and if we miss it we get a negative counseling and a ‘does not support the battalion sharp/EO mission’ on our CDT OER for getting the branch we want. So I just spent $16 on a pair of high heels that I have to spray paint red later on only to throw them in the trash after about 300 of us embarrass the U.S. Army tomorrow,” wrote one anonymous cadet wrote on social media.
this is wrong! Women don’t have to wear high heels, some choose to, but men shouldn’t be forced to wear them!
And are they forcing the women to parade around in Jock Straps to get a feel for what men go through? This is utter BS and I am a woman. Our men in uniform do NOT need to be humiliated to appease a bunch of feminists on a war rampage against men because they can’t get one due to their own stupidity. I prefer to see the men enlisted to protect me wearing boots, marching and tuning their mental faculties towards destroying my enemies, not parading around in high heels to appease some ignorant feminist whim. Ridiculous!
That’s $#%&!@*ed up!
I hurt my ankle just looking at the photo. I would like to join in on the cl$#%&!@* action lawsuit against the illegal action that caused the photo taken in the first place. 🙂
Loved Kubrick’s film, Dr. Strangelove.
And what IDIOT came up with this so called idea?
This reflects the contempt of the Master of Disaster Berry.
This is totally ridiculous
No way would I,,,,
$#%&!@* that .They will get their $#%&!@*e s kicked if they tried that with me