The Army will remove nearly 30,000 soldiers from their active rolls over the next 17 months in first wave to draw down forces from the current 519,786 active troopers to 450,000, or even 420,000 soldiers.
At the same time, the Obama administration will be allowing a ‘limited number’ of undocumented young people, known as Dreamers, into the military via The Enlist Act.
The White House has temporarily delayed the program in order to work out some immigration issues with Republicans.
[nextpagelinkArmy To Fire 30,000 Troops Allow Undocumented Immigrants Into Military[/nextpagelink]
When is our military going to stand up to Obummer, some one needs to.
That’s the way to go, throw AMERICANS born in this country out of their military jobs and give the jobs to illegals! What a country OBAMA is making for the AMERICAN people!
What’re undocumented immigrants? Oh,sorry, you mean law-breaking, tax-payer’s-money-sucking illegals?
American soldiers WATCH YOUR BACK!
Wish I could say this is going to be good for our country BUT IT IS NOT! Undocumented immigrants SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THE MILITARY…..good way for ISIS to get in though.
.no no no foreign troops in our military
They will work cheaper
Are they going to fly their own flags too?