The Army will remove nearly 30,000 soldiers from their active rolls over the next 17 months in first wave to draw down forces from the current 519,786 active troopers to 450,000, or even 420,000 soldiers.
At the same time, the Obama administration will be allowing a ‘limited number’ of undocumented young people, known as Dreamers, into the military via The Enlist Act.
The White House has temporarily delayed the program in order to work out some immigration issues with Republicans.
[nextpagelinkArmy To Fire 30,000 Troops Allow Undocumented Immigrants Into Military[/nextpagelink]
This better end when the congress changes
OK, GOP, stop this and get our armed forces back!!
Evil and ridicules
WHY????? Does this POS obama have a reason for this IDIOT move????
Where are all the jobs for all our military and Undocumented Immigrants? we have to many out of work now.I think our boys and girls in military come first
Stop this stupidity
Obama is totally out of control and his mind !!!!
Obama is truly the biggest idiot I have ever seen or heard of. He is doing this on purpose, so congress get off your butts and do something to get rid of him, you spineless cowards.
maybe we americans start our own army and we go to war and get rid of them ourselves they will never take my weapons
is this a joke???????????