“As the Activist Post reports, all of America’s wars have begun with false flags, and the same will more than likely go for starting World War III.”
Now there’s an ominous thought, and even if the Activist Post is overstating things a bit by suggesting that all of our wars started with false flag operations, it’s clear that at least some have. Tragically, because this implies that wars that could and should have been avoided, with all the death and destruction that attach to such military adventures, were instigated not by foreign powers, but by elements of the US government using deception and subterfuge to blame the outbreak of hostilities on those foreign powers. It’s diabolical.
Could Americans be about to be setup once again, this time by a false flag event that pits us against a nuclear-armed Russia? Too terrible to contemplate? Check page two and make your own decision.
Omg stop them globalist before we all die. Wtf
Why now ,when they are trying to frame Russia for their take over of the usa?
Ugly actions
This is B******t. Ever hear of a trading unit?
What kind of anti-American uber-liberal idiot wrote this trash?? Proof that liberals are ignorant and war-mongers…
Just Google it and find fact-checking on it everywhere you liberal morons! I know you just want to sit in front of the$#%&!@*tube and suck down the liberal lies of killary and nobama reported by CNN – but maybe you should READ – if you can…
They can repaint a jet but that is still a F/A 18 hornet. Looks nothing like a Russian jet. LoL
Dubie Willard not just no, but hell no!!
A wolf in sheeps clothing or vs, if a UN marked plane tries to do damage in the USA, its fair game!