“As the Activist Post reports, all of America’s wars have begun with false flags, and the same will more than likely go for starting World War III.”
Now there’s an ominous thought, and even if the Activist Post is overstating things a bit by suggesting that all of our wars started with false flag operations, it’s clear that at least some have. Tragically, because this implies that wars that could and should have been avoided, with all the death and destruction that attach to such military adventures, were instigated not by foreign powers, but by elements of the US government using deception and subterfuge to blame the outbreak of hostilities on those foreign powers. It’s diabolical.
Could Americans be about to be setup once again, this time by a false flag event that pits us against a nuclear-armed Russia? Too terrible to contemplate? Check page two and make your own decision.
Get our facts straight, first off this aircraft is not Air Force it is an F/A 18 Hornet. They are painted this way because they are a aggressor outfit from the US. NAVY, The world famous fighting Omars (Top Gun) VFC 12. I know this because I was a Aviation Machinist Mate for this outfit. Do your fact check before put the wrong stuff out.
To all non veterans of the US Military and the ignorant college educated. US planes are done that way as part of aerial combat and Top Gun School to better train the worlds best military for combat.
That is a US Marine F-18 Super Hornet. That is if you are real American
Please look up Aggressor Squadrons, and sit down in the corner. Just stop talking Truth and Action. I’m going to chalk this up to you being drunk.
You’re a friggin spambot aren’t you?
Same post in 10 stories. Just make your own friggin article and post that. Quit being a b**b
Stupid is contagious, reads the FB headline
Sherri Petska
This from someone who knows sooo much about air combat and training
Fkn oxygen thief
Pirates been doing it for over two hundred years. Covert action. No Hillary we don’t give our enemies our play book.
Yes and the instructors also fly the exact way a true Russian pilot would.