“As the Activist Post reports, all of America’s wars have begun with false flags, and the same will more than likely go for starting World War III.”
Now there’s an ominous thought, and even if the Activist Post is overstating things a bit by suggesting that all of our wars started with false flag operations, it’s clear that at least some have. Tragically, because this implies that wars that could and should have been avoided, with all the death and destruction that attach to such military adventures, were instigated not by foreign powers, but by elements of the US government using deception and subterfuge to blame the outbreak of hostilities on those foreign powers. It’s diabolical.
Could Americans be about to be setup once again, this time by a false flag event that pits us against a nuclear-armed Russia? Too terrible to contemplate? Check page two and make your own decision.
B******t story.
time for another government propaganda video. hey , isn’t that the same jet that was harassing our navy ships? probably
Truth and Action … PLEASE REDAVID CLAUSER’S COMMENTS BELOW and take down this post. Don’t inflame the general public over nothing. This isn’t at all what you’ve made it out to be.
If this is true, why don’t you just send Putin a telegram and tell him what your doing?
Anything is possible these days
Beware !
Yes and No, Mike. Top Gun has their own multi camouflage aircraft, and additionally, there are also squadrons throughout the country that have them that perform the same role. The ones for Top Gun are strictly for Top gun in Fallon, Nevada.
Why would the United States of America paint one of our Jet fighters with a Russian paint job unless it was to commit a false attack to start another war that only benefits the elite Rothschilds, Soros , Rockafellers, and
Don’t do it!!!
People are not that stupid.