“As the Activist Post reports, all of America’s wars have begun with false flags, and the same will more than likely go for starting World War III.”
Now there’s an ominous thought, and even if the Activist Post is overstating things a bit by suggesting that all of our wars started with false flag operations, it’s clear that at least some have. Tragically, because this implies that wars that could and should have been avoided, with all the death and destruction that attach to such military adventures, were instigated not by foreign powers, but by elements of the US government using deception and subterfuge to blame the outbreak of hostilities on those foreign powers. It’s diabolical.
Could Americans be about to be setup once again, this time by a false flag event that pits us against a nuclear-armed Russia? Too terrible to contemplate? Check page two and make your own decision.
Its Fighter pilot training @ the Navy’s Top Gun school and or the Air Force’s Red Flag training exercise.
It’s a plane from an aggressor squadron.
It is done for training purposes.
One major concept of an aggressor squadron is realism. Dog-fighting within in visual range needs to be as realistic as it can get and flying up against aircraft of similar capabilities need to be painted similarly to that of foreign aircraft, color contrast/
Shadowing against terrain and the sky will condition a pilot to know what they’re looking for despite IFF (which is most likely programmed with certain airframe designs)
So, so wrong little buddy. Look up Agressor Squadrons on the web thingy
Travis Tomaszkiewicz -Are capable of reading comprehension.. the article states the Missiles where sent to Ansar Al Sharia in Libya Via the CIA in Qatar… they then found a route to Afghanistan.
Although I think this administration is capable of this…the US Military has been painting Aircraft for training scenarios for generations this is probably a pic from Miramar Naval flight station ( MCAS ) The plane is marked Marines because that is where they train..
how true is this story that Russia her self will be quiet. only a fool will fall for this
This article is complete and utter b******t!
Thats our news