“As the Activist Post reports, all of America’s wars have begun with false flags, and the same will more than likely go for starting World War III.”
Now there’s an ominous thought, and even if the Activist Post is overstating things a bit by suggesting that all of our wars started with false flag operations, it’s clear that at least some have. Tragically, because this implies that wars that could and should have been avoided, with all the death and destruction that attach to such military adventures, were instigated not by foreign powers, but by elements of the US government using deception and subterfuge to blame the outbreak of hostilities on those foreign powers. It’s diabolical.
Could Americans be about to be setup once again, this time by a false flag event that pits us against a nuclear-armed Russia? Too terrible to contemplate? Check page two and make your own decision.
Yeah I was reading another site and he was telling me about this and how the Russians are going to invade us at least you’ll be American pretending to be Russian so that they can start a war I mean it’s crazy that’s what Trump has to get in there Obama Hillary all of them they’re all in on it they’re going to make it a third world country that’s why they’re saying open borders bring everybody in here and then they’re going to live in the slums you watch they’re going to blame Russia for everything they’re going to start a war and you’re going to blame Russia for it that’s the real truth and then they’re going to Linda going to hit the computers the Americans are and then they’re going to start blaming it on Russia these politics want one world order read about it they’re working on it right now you think your life is hard now you haven’t seen nothing so let’s get Trump in there going to the White House on the train Juju
Sharing this report thanks for being a watcher on the wall
Don’t trust the government for nothing.
Christopher Adams
David Clouser did you ever have to use an ejection seat? What is that like and what kind of force does it apply to your body when it launches ? Always wanted to ask but never had a navy pilot to ask. Also thank you for your service sir!
I have long suspected that that’s why nobody showed up to help them if they did not want the fact that they lost those muscles discovered and they were willing to allow everybody to die in order to cover that information up
So we are conned again ! If nothing else we are waking up . My brother is in the PI he tells me the Chinese are taking over everything in Asia and Mexico Carlos Slim the phones? Thank you for posting.
? This is crazy$#%&!@*man
plus thats not an Air Force jet,, its a Marine jet!!!
Ted Arnold$#%&!@*the stumps. So fucking much…