Poor Barack Obama. After years of faulting George W. Bush for all the nation’s problems, it seems that gravy train of blame-shifting has finally run its course. As such, Obama has been in search of a new conservative boogeyman to blame for all his personal shortcomings.
Befuddlingly, it appears as if he’s decided that the media is at fault for his rock-bottom approval rating and likability. Yes, the liberal-leaning, Democrat-funded, conservative-bashing media has it out for Barack Obama. Right.
Sure, he blames the usual suspects — Fox News and conservative talk radio — but he seems to have forgotten that his leftist pals control nearly every aspect of the press, save for those two platforms. Still, nothing is ever Obama’s fault, apparently.
Continue reading on the next page to see Obama blame the “right-wing” media for the public’s attitude toward his failing economy:
There is no “Right Wing” media.
I’m Not a Democrat or a Republican.Because i now know the truth .
I am an American and here is WHY !!!!!! Very Quick Answer ….
Please don’t be left out ……
Now this is a Good one, that everyone should see…
So maybe we can step out of the Dark and know
what’s really going on …
So sick of his lame$#%&!@*excuses. He tries to lay the lousy economy and all other problems at the door of white people instead of where it squarely belongs…right on his doorstep. He’s a lousy leader, has no sense of economics at all and even less on foreign policy. Worst of all, he apologizes for America at every turn! Sure won’t be missing him when he’s gone! Can’t depart fast enough!
Donald Trump For President
This man is Full of Bull$#%&!@*!!
He keeps on stirring the pot!
Get Obama out of there> He is ruining our country.
Blacks, asians and hispanics are also upset about the economy who actually work and contribute to this country, but king assclown and his racist$#%&!@*make everything a black/white issue, making whitey the misunderstanding bad gut,,i am so sorry for jumping into your comment,it seems you are a very wonderful woman with good heart and the way you talked on the page,it will be nice becoming your friend,please add me
He sure does hate the black race. He keeps them dependent on government assistance and refuses to let them get ahead. Whites get richer while blacks get poorer for the most part.
True Americans of all races and faiths are pissed, you idiot.