Poor Barack Obama. After years of faulting George W. Bush for all the nation’s problems, it seems that gravy train of blame-shifting has finally run its course. As such, Obama has been in search of a new conservative boogeyman to blame for all his personal shortcomings.
Befuddlingly, it appears as if he’s decided that the media is at fault for his rock-bottom approval rating and likability. Yes, the liberal-leaning, Democrat-funded, conservative-bashing media has it out for Barack Obama. Right.
Sure, he blames the usual suspects — Fox News and conservative talk radio — but he seems to have forgotten that his leftist pals control nearly every aspect of the press, save for those two platforms. Still, nothing is ever Obama’s fault, apparently.
Continue reading on the next page to see Obama blame the “right-wing” media for the public’s attitude toward his failing economy:
You stupid bastard you are the one that is making people mad and not just white people. Alot of blacks and latino as well.
He is SO RACIST, but no one does anything about it !
Obama, you better believe, White People Are Mad, for a lot of Good Reasons & you are the number one Reason.
You and the left wing media is what made us mad. We’ve had enough of your BS and hate for America.
If you accept the premise that obama hates America, and hates Americans, then everything he has said, and done, and everything he has not said and not done, makes perfect sense. To better understand the origin of his beliefs, and their foundation, read, in his own words, obama’s books, “Dreams From My Father” and “Audacity of Hope”. Then look at what he has done in light of what he has said. barack obama is also a follower of, and a believer in Saul Alinsky, a communist community organizer who wrote a book titled “Rules for Radicals”. Additionally read the book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” by Dinesh D’Souza. This author coorelates, in detail, the experiences and circumstances that shaped obama’s mind demonstrated clearly throughout his presidency. Read/examine these publications, then tell me you can honestly believe barack obama has America’s interests in his mind, let alone in his heart. More directly he is doing exactly what he stated 5 days before he was elected for his first term as president – his promise that “we are 5 days from fundamentally transforming America”. barack obama is the greatest threat this country has ever faced. That he was elected at all is one thing, but that the American people have tolerated repeated insult, injury, and acts of lawlessness, without objection, from this man, yet elected him for a second term says far more about us than it does about him.
traitor can not stand him
Your racist$#%&!@*and lawless c**p has made us mad along with the Islamazation of our Nation..
Sick ,,lol you are the one dude
What an idiot.