Upset about the Economy while White? Obama Blames ‘Right-Wing’ Media for Making ‘White People’ Mad

Upset about the Economy while White? Obama Blames ‘Right-Wing’ Media for Making ‘White People’ Mad

Poor Barack Obama. After years of faulting George W. Bush for all the nation’s problems, it seems that gravy train of blame-shifting has finally run its course. As such, Obama has been in search of a new conservative boogeyman to blame for all his personal shortcomings.

Befuddlingly, it appears as if he’s decided that the media is at fault for his rock-bottom approval rating and likability. Yes, the liberal-leaning, Democrat-funded, conservative-bashing media has it out for Barack Obama. Right.

Sure, he blames the usual suspects — Fox News and conservative talk radio — but he seems to have forgotten that his leftist pals control nearly every aspect of the press, save for those two platforms. Still, nothing is ever Obama’s fault, apparently.

Continue reading on the next page to see Obama blame the “right-wing” media for the public’s attitude toward his failing economy:

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