The Fire Video: several unusual ways to start a fire that you might not know about.
Did you know that you can make great tinder with dyer wool or cotton balls + Vaseline?
How about starting a fire with fine steel wool and a 9v battery?
See Videos Page 2:
Or use a lighter.
this is if you don’t have a lighter. It says “unusual.” 🙂
did this at scout camp
Gotta love his videos! God Bless our Minutemen!
Knifemaker Idaho
Who the $#%&!@* hacked the page and posted stupid $#%&!@*?
Everybody carries steel wool n a 9 volt batt how dumb
I used to work at a car dealership, I was in the back having a smoke, and I came across a giant roll of steel wool. I was telling one of the detail guys about how you could start a fire like that with a battery. He didn’t believe me, so I scrounged one up and had to show him. When you explain what is happening it sounds so simple. But many people don’t realize it.
You learn something new everyday….thanks for the info.
You shouldn’t be sharing this info…sometimes the wrong person learns to do something they shouldn’t know how to do!
You can’t fix stupid, or ignorant or evil. There are people who shouldn’t know how to operate a motor vehicle because they will misuse it to hurt or kill someone. Knowledge is only a deadly friend when no one sets the rules. Rules are set and when they are broken there are consequences to be meted out. Knowledge should never be hidden simple to avoid it being misused!