Unprecedented Violence and Chaos Erupts at Anti-Trump Rally

Donald Trump may have got himself into hot water when he said that illegal immigrants bring crime into our country, but recent events in California may be validating those claims in the eyes of many Trump supporters.

Thousands of Trump supporters were turned away as the venue reached capacity. First hand accounts from those stuck outside counted the initial wave of protesters at 70, but the crowd grew into the hundreds.

Trump supporter Walter Krokosz told Breitbart News, “They were very aggressive. When we were leaving there were a lot of people in cars, Mexican flags hanging out the windows. A guy was doing donuts and the intersection was shut down. We saw people marching through the intersection.” Krokosz is a legal immigrant from Poland and a veteran of the U.S. Army, retired Chief Petty Officer.

Trump supporters outside the rally sang patriotic songs. A group of 8 to 12-year-old kids for Trump called out cheers. One cheer blasted Obamacare.


At least one police car was vandalized, its windshield smashed. A man jumped on top of the vehicle in an effort to cause more damage. Then a group attempted to flip the car, according to CBS News.

It has yet to be seen whether these protests are a drag on the billionaire businessman’s chances in California, or if they raise his already high standing in the state. Given the importance of California’s delegates, these protests may very well be a deciding factor for the GOP’s nominee.

Source: Breitbart




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