It seems that today’s college students have a hard time wrapping their minds around Constitutional rights such as free speech and the right to bear arms. They would prefer to do away with those rights, and others, when they are exercised by anyone they disagree with. They are, however, very concerned about having their own feelings hurt or being offended by someone else’s speech, so they demand “safe zones” and other ways to be protected from what most of us would call normal life. And unfortunately, authority figures play into that rhetoric and acquiesce rather than pointing out that the little darlings are full of baloney and need to sit down and let the adults run the show.
Young folks also prefer not to be held to any particular standards since they actually measure performance, and that can be, well, uncomfortable. That has created the “everyone wins and no one is ever wrong” philosophy which has led to a marked decrease in organized religion, and which suggests that norms such as right and wrong, or good and evil are unacceptable.
In schools, cheating is rampant, and students today often see little wrong with it, only with getting caught. Morality is out the window, and the big crime is to suggest that someone, anyone, should ever be held accountable when they violate moral laws. If anyone dares to call a young person on that, their immediate solution is to call the cops!
Police cite preacher for offending students, page 2:
Black officer !!! one of obama’s kids
The students can just keep walking they don’t have to stay and listen
He’s black. They are allowed to do anything they like. Obama made it the law!
this policeman must be fired, he is breaking the constitution.
Everyone is worried about the state of this country that we are leaving to the youth. Based on what I’ve seen they could care less and will destroy it country on their own because they are too self-centered, uncaring, undisciplined, unthinking mindless little twerps who only live in the moment and care little about what other people want, say or do. If they disagree they just cry foul so they don’t have to deal with anything unpleasant. This is what is going to be running our country next generation? Who cares what they get, they will destroy it anyway.
I thought Texas was a place that they didn’t take c**p from muslims. Why this happened ?
The citation was dropped.
The officer needs more then “retraining” he need to be fired!!! No common sense at all so he is useless a wast of him pay!!!!