University Of Texas Police Issues Pastor Citation For Offending Students

Police officer voids 1st amendment of free speech

At the University of Texas at Austin recently, a preacher with Campus Ministry USA who goes by the name Joshua was preaching near the campus and speaking out against STD’s and warning against anal sex. While that may have been uncomfortable for some students to hear for obvious reasons, the UT police department actually issued a disorderly conduct citation to the outdoor preacher after students complained about being “offended” by his message.

The university told The Daily Caller that the officer was responding to students who claimed to be “verbally harassed” by the intern-preacher. The video shows the officer explaining that the intern’s use of “anal” and “penis” offended students, before issuing a citation for disorderly conduct. “After a lawyer representing Joshua called the chief of police, the chief called Joshua and apologized. The citation was withdrawn.”

A university spokesperson confirmed that the citation was later “voided,” adding that the officer who originally responded to the complaint is currently in the training process.

Ari Cohn, a lawyer with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) said that he found the video “deeply disturbing.” “Speech that simply offends others is protected by the First Amendment, and contrary to the officer’s statements, it is not the job of police to ‘do something’ about it. Issuing a disorderly conduct citation based on the content of speech violates decades of clear Supreme Court precedent,” Cohn said.

It is hard to decide which is more distressing, the fact that ignorant students believe they have a right to not be offended, or police officers who are so poorly trained in the law that they would pay attention to such unconstitutional demands by the students. But we must remember that public schools have abandoned teaching government, civics and the constitution in the classroom in exchange for promoting Islam and anti-American topics that promote disdain for our founding leaders and our country.

It is no wonder, then, that both the students and the officer were unaware that they were violating one of the key principles upon which this nation was founded, and one which gives them the right to speak their minds in the first place.




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