Doctor Eric Pianka, an award-winning professor of evolutionary ecology at the University of Texas at Austin publicly endorsed the use of an airborne strain of the ebola virus to kill off 95 percent of the world’s population. He suggested that war and famine are insufficient to get the job done.
Pianka is one of those who feel that humanity is a virus that plagues the Earth and that we are vastly overpopulated, so most of us should die.
Pianka’s statement, apparently endorsing this aggressive means of reducing the global population was part of his acceptance speech for the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist Award from the Texas Academy of Science. Despite his later claims that his statement was taken (by other scientists) ‘out of context’ he was investigated for “advocating biological terrorism.”
But he’s not alone in this sick mentality…
Click the link below to learn more + watch video:
Just make sure he knows he’s 1st!!!
May I suggest he volunteer himself and his family to lead the pack. That would be the right thing to do !!!!
You mean the earth is not flat!!!!!
I’m sure that’s what he has in mind also!!!
Let’s do a trial run, first your friends if yo have any then your family so you can observe, then of coarse “YOU”
Your brain on pot. I rest my case.
By all means you should lead by example!
People like him is only one reason we need to keep 2A.
This earth was made for man to inhabit. Did you know that every person on this planet will easily fit in the state of Texas and they wouldn’t be touching each other. When you look at a world map or globe that is an insignificant amount of space. The planet is not over populated. The real problem is corrupt governments who don’t govern for the benefit of the people but instead for themselves.