Doctor Eric Pianka, an award-winning professor of evolutionary ecology at the University of Texas at Austin publicly endorsed the use of an airborne strain of the ebola virus to kill off 95 percent of the world’s population. He suggested that war and famine are insufficient to get the job done.
Pianka is one of those who feel that humanity is a virus that plagues the Earth and that we are vastly overpopulated, so most of us should die.
Pianka’s statement, apparently endorsing this aggressive means of reducing the global population was part of his acceptance speech for the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist Award from the Texas Academy of Science. Despite his later claims that his statement was taken (by other scientists) ‘out of context’ he was investigated for “advocating biological terrorism.”
But he’s not alone in this sick mentality…
Click the link below to learn more + watch video:
Take a bath & shave$#%&!@*– yea wash that too !!!
He goes first
And this but case is an a ward winning, by who the left, do they think we all need to be killed off but 5% , who will be the percent left? Not the stars who would watch them? And this man is allowed to teach our students, do the parents know about this ?
They have evolved(devolved). From the 20th century enlightenment to the post enlightenment present. Scientism took the place of religion. Man could evolve to become God. Achieving singularity is the end game. People who are dead will be a part of that singularity. Marxism closely aligns with this ideology. Thus a perfect marriage to manipulated the uninformed masses. The scientist who still cling to the global warming hoax are the thechnocrats who believe this anti humanity rhetoric. They end up teaching the young already primed ears.
1. Once and for all get the facts out about climate change.
2. Make universities accountable for what their faculty teach.
3. Each community firm groups who can audit these classes.
Academia has a free reign and the titles that make them automatically authorities. They are too arrogant to consider logic.
Academia is like a priesthood.
Global government, they have to destabilize the countries to take over.
They are hired by people who believe the same way. It starts with causing doubt about your values, guilt about racism, doubt about family( foundation of society). Then it just incrementally grows while being protected by the high priests of Academia. Prince Philip of U.K. Said when he died he wants to come
Back as a virus to kill off humanity.this was years ago.
Me too. In major Universities this leftist religion of Scientism has thrived. There are smaller colleges that are good. There needs to be a movement of concerned citizens to audit classes.
Does not matter to these twisted reality phobic clones. After you die you are reincarnated. And all will enter singularity. All is one. This ideology is more dangerous than anything we face.
People are devout believers of scientism. We must expose the global warming hoax and the UN push behind it. That would take a chunk out of Scientism.