Doctor Eric Pianka, an award-winning professor of evolutionary ecology at the University of Texas at Austin publicly endorsed the use of an airborne strain of the ebola virus to kill off 95 percent of the world’s population. He suggested that war and famine are insufficient to get the job done.
Pianka is one of those who feel that humanity is a virus that plagues the Earth and that we are vastly overpopulated, so most of us should die.
Pianka’s statement, apparently endorsing this aggressive means of reducing the global population was part of his acceptance speech for the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist Award from the Texas Academy of Science. Despite his later claims that his statement was taken (by other scientists) ‘out of context’ he was investigated for “advocating biological terrorism.”
But he’s not alone in this sick mentality…
Click the link below to learn more + watch video:
Haven’t all these hippies died yet ???
Your mom had you
Open your mouth, insert .45, pull trigger. It’s called recycling, garbage.
Good we can start with him
We can fiot the entire population in the stae of Florida, what a quack
Okay then ,he and all those like him who think and speak like him should put their thoughts and words in action and commit mass suicide in the interest of this planet!
What a way to rid ourselves of a lot of leftists that would be!
Duh.. he isnt the only one who thinks like this people do some reading once in a while..
He volunteering to be the first in line ?
he sounds like the UN agenda 21 wants 85 percent of population to die, obamacare writter wants anyone over 75 to die, lady in England wants all old people euthanized
Most Liberals have adopted this New World Order manifesto.