In recent years, colleges have been getting more and more sensitive. This is offensive! That’s offensive! That’s a microaggression! These days you can’t do anything without someone being offended – especially if you’re a college student. For most Americans, the college environment is supposed to be one that encourages open-mindedness, but nowadays that’s rarely true.
In the latest college attempt at “inclusiveness”, the University of New Hampshire is the culprit. This time they’re after our very own nationality, which is guaranteed to all in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
That’s right. The University of New Hampshire doesn’t want you to be able to call yourself an American. And you’ll be shocked at what else they don’t want you saying.
Parents should get their kids out of these $#%&!@* indoctrination camps. If their enrollments go down drastically, they’ll get the message or close down.
Saay “AMERICA” and be proud of our great Naation.
Universities such as this one should be shut down ôr shut up they spend their monies just trying cause trouble, all my life I have been an American and now they want me to be called something else. Spend your time and money teaching the subjects the students sign up for and quit wasting your time being stupid.
Defund and close theat f**e school.
Un. of New Hampshire should have all govt. funding withheld–this is America not Middle East–stop progressive liberals from taking over America, and ruining it.
America is great
God bless America !
Cut off all American funding.
If you want to know what the next move of the Obama administration will be, just sit back and think what would one have to do to weaken America, remove the citizens freedoms and liberties, and risk the sovereign of this country, because that will be the next move that this administration will proceed with, and if you want to know what he’s going to do about Isis and Iraq, whatever will help Iraq that is what’s going to happen, because the Obama administration wants Iran to control the whole Middle East and the world ! One distraction after another, to keep confusing most of the people who are supposed to be watching and protecting our country. A lot of people on Facebook have already seen the suppression of free speech, and that’s because of direct intervention by this administration, whose sole purpose is protecting the invading armies in overthrowing America, and bolstering the infiltration of our nation,In every department in the federal government, all the way down to the larger cities, for the sole purpose of the demise of America and all that it stands for.
Bill Sharpe
So is New Hampshire, no more fed/state funding.