In recent years, colleges have been getting more and more sensitive. This is offensive! That’s offensive! That’s a microaggression! These days you can’t do anything without someone being offended – especially if you’re a college student. For most Americans, the college environment is supposed to be one that encourages open-mindedness, but nowadays that’s rarely true.
In the latest college attempt at “inclusiveness”, the University of New Hampshire is the culprit. This time they’re after our very own nationality, which is guaranteed to all in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
That’s right. The University of New Hampshire doesn’t want you to be able to call yourself an American. And you’ll be shocked at what else they don’t want you saying.
New Hampshire??? That’s one of the last true American states left have we really gone that far down the tubes?
Students, push back and boycott this ins$#%&!@*ution.
Cut off federal funding we will show you how bad America is!
How crazy can people get?
Well the that university should leave this country !
The revolution is nearly complete.
@#$$#@# Your direction of training our Children, this country has History and that’s what they should be learning and reciting the Pledge of allegiance from Kindergarten up just like we did. Too many died to keep this a free country and also fought and died to give freedom “from” slavery and equal rights for all.
I am a Mexican American and I will call Mexicans breaking the law to get here ILLEGAL MEXICANS! That is what they are when they come here breaking our laws. I have been to Mexico on vacation and have had the federal police point their guns at me, only because they suspected that I was carrying a gun. We should start treating Mexican illegals the same way for really breaking our laws and coming here to live off legal hard working Americans!
american, american american you people at these universities are being brainwashed you are a bunch of idiots ill say whatever i want to
Yes we have.