In recent years, colleges have been getting more and more sensitive. This is offensive! That’s offensive! That’s a microaggression! These days you can’t do anything without someone being offended – especially if you’re a college student. For most Americans, the college environment is supposed to be one that encourages open-mindedness, but nowadays that’s rarely true.
In the latest college attempt at “inclusiveness”, the University of New Hampshire is the culprit. This time they’re after our very own nationality, which is guaranteed to all in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
That’s right. The University of New Hampshire doesn’t want you to be able to call yourself an American. And you’ll be shocked at what else they don’t want you saying.
New Hampshire must be evil.
When I heard that it made me furious. These stupid people should be deported who hate this country and never let back in.
Is this some sort of joke? It is ridiculous…so if you are in the country illegally you should not be called an illegal alien because we would not want to offend the person who is here illegally? Um….right…
then why the hell are you still here???????
Ok, I am back after falling off my sitting tool (chair) after reading what UNH is proposing in what words to use and not use!
AMERICA is great and anyone not liking AMERICA should get the hell out.
you must not have gone to any other countries
If America is bad, give up your high Paycheck and go to a secondc cl$#%&!@* country and starve you creep.
Liberal proffs are poisioning our young people!