Segregation is back in style, and it’s being supported by the same party that defended segregation and slavery throughout American history — the Democrats.
The Democratic party may claim to be the “party of tolerance,” but their past tells a vastly different story. Just fifty years ago, George Wallace, the newly-elected Democrat Governor of Arkansas, exclaimed “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” during his inaugural address.
Now, the story is the same but the roles are reversed. On college campuses across the nation, leftist students are demanding “white-free” zones designated only for people of color.
At the University of Michigan, the students are demanding the space be set aside for “social justice work.”
Apparently, their love of “social justice” doesn’t extend to white students. In fact, their demands exhibit the very racism these social justice organizations claim to be against.
Read whether their demands are being met on he next page:
People be wary of which college you send you child to, they are brainwashing them!!
I was a young child in the sixties during the civil rights movement and not everyone protesting and working for an end to segregation was black or as they said “colored” at that time. I was a white child in a mostly black integrated school that at times wasn’t easy and at time involved having to fight or be bullied. until my family put me in an all white catholic school . Now I was the only Irish kid in an all polish and italian school where even the nuns were bigoted against me. Also I lived in the Detroit area and recall the rioting of 1969 It was terrifying .That area today is mostly taken over by Islam and I had not been to my home state in decades , No family lives there to my knowledge anymore but all that went on and nationally blacks , whites, and others made great strides in living together peacefully since then .I also recall George Wallace and others in the south screaming for segregation. Yes, they all were the same party of democrats that push this liberal agenda now. They are the same party of democrats that were pro slavery back in the 1800s and before . They are the same party of democrats that voted Obama into office that has since made every possible effort to create and resurrect racism to monstrous proportions Gay rights, Immigration and Islam which fully intends to kill everyone not islamic and especially those who are gay. This is done to divide , conquer, and destroy this nation by those who are actually puppets themselves with the puppet masters being possibly George Soros, Francis, … who are ultimately just puppets too, of Satan.who will ultimately be defeated and is already since the Cross of Jesus but/// hes a liberal too and believes only what he wants too. We have free will though; We all individually and collectively can cut our own strings and decide for ourselves who we serve and not be puppets or slaves. God Bless
Do they have a place for other groups too….they need it just as bad….
Give them space send them to Canada
It seems young people are not educated on that history just the new world order destroy white history and white people. So they want a special place to plan more black power and protests make whitey pay.
Cool we have the United States and you have the rest of the
It is easy to see which universities are infested with liberalism. The students are brainless and brainwashed. Total idiots and fools. Their contributions to society is nothing less than them thinking they are entitled to something for nothing. Parents wake up and let’s get rid of this cesspool of liberal brainwashers.
Nothing like taking our country backwards. We have come a long way until these IDIOTS
isn’t racial discrimination illegal