Segregation is back in style, and it’s being supported by the same party that defended segregation and slavery throughout American history — the Democrats.
The Democratic party may claim to be the “party of tolerance,” but their past tells a vastly different story. Just fifty years ago, George Wallace, the newly-elected Democrat Governor of Arkansas, exclaimed “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” during his inaugural address.
Now, the story is the same but the roles are reversed. On college campuses across the nation, leftist students are demanding “white-free” zones designated only for people of color.
At the University of Michigan, the students are demanding the space be set aside for “social justice work.”
Apparently, their love of “social justice” doesn’t extend to white students. In fact, their demands exhibit the very racism these social justice organizations claim to be against.
Read whether their demands are being met on he next page:
in the 60s they fought and demanded to integrate, now they want to separate? makes no damned sense, to me at all.
Discrimination against white people
They are putting themselves back70 years how ignorant
Dr. king is turning in his grave.
Give up everything
The white man
Invented or gave
You. You claim no
Right to any of it!!!
Your car
Your gas
Your phone
Your internet
Your computer
Your electricity
Your sewage
Your money
Etc, etc.. yep
The white man
Has really
Oppressed you???
BS for black stupid students
Let them have their space and just walk away. Then they can call us racists and demand a bail out when they fail.
Actions have consequences,
Go ahead and protest or quit but remember this :
“If you have a problem with people in your culture getting shot, go protest in your own neighborhoods where 33% of your culture don’t graduate high school,
78% of your baby daddies don’t hang around after they “hit dat” and 50% of all murders are committed by your 13% of the population, most of the victims
of your own race. Your problem is whitey and the police? No, your problem is, your own culture, your culture’s lack of discipline and respect for authority and
your culture’s inability to understand simple English commands like, “Put your hands up”, “stop”, “get your hands out of your pockets”,
“Don’t reach into your clothes”, “stop walking back to your vehicle”. And then cry racism when you morons get shot. And, par for the course, you blame
everybody else for your culture’s problems and ruin it for everyone else. Go protest your own culture in your own ‘hoods, then maybe the rest of us will take
you seriously. Until you do, you’re just crying racism to cover your own responsibility for your own stupidity. It’s old and no one gives a c**p.”
I think that most people are over it. I know I am …
I found this, I didn’t pen it. I thought it appropriate though. So please copy and paste if you want.