The Beach Boys have been known for many things over the years, their surfer music, Californian style and according to the University of Kentucky . . . sexually harassing lyrics. The University of Kentucky is punishing a teacher for singing a Beach Boys song in class. Under something called Administrative Regulation 6:1, it was ruled that the song, “California Girls,” included “language of a sexual nature.” Somebody reported being offended by the song, but not victims were identified and the school refused to tell the teacher what the complaints against him were.
The reason the song was played for the closing ceremonies of an inaugural education week at a Chinese University as part of a UK program. The teacher was teaching a class called, “Storytelling: Exploring China’s Art and Culture.” He sang a song to teach the many differences between Chinese and American culture. Apparently those difference include being offended by things that aren’t actually offensive. How American.
Find out about the investigation on the next page.
Remember the Inquisitions? Salem Witch Trials? ( If you were home schooled you might know of these things. ) Well they are back!
Crazy world we are living in! OUTRAGEOUS
I would be moving out
No different than when it was all the rage. Grow up crybabies. You lost the election. Life goes on without you.
All because some snowflake’s feelings might get hurt. He will get this overturned in court, if he pushes it.
This is INSANE!!!
Not with taxpayer money, no more money for these unAmerican so called universities! period
So it’s OK for the feminazis to drop trou and bare$#%&!@*in a lib protest, but you can’t sing a platinum selling song? You can rap about rape, hoes, bitches and killing cops but it’s a group of white men singing about admiring women it’s wrong? OK I see the logic. Liberal hypocrisy again.
I would know which class it was said and fail everybody in it I am sure someone has bragged about it Let his pears handle them