There exists among those on the left the belief that there remains, in each of us, a racist ready to burst forth to demean others. One way to contain these beasts until a proper education can improve humankind’s natural state is to deal with language. In this case, academia is going far beyond the racial slurs that we should all abhor. This talk revolves around language itself and the culture of racism these people believe permeates our entire society.
Does this now mean that the rules of grammar need to be made more flexible as part of this effort to root this alleged racism out of our language?
More on page two:
Professing to be wise they became fools.
Talk about the dumbing down of America.
Politically correct nonsense is making America the laughing stock of the world
Lib socialists can’t defend their failed ideology any other way they have to apply racism to every subject.
Before I took the Evelyn Woodhead sped reddin’ course, I couldn’t spell literate. Now I be one!
Correct grammar is smart…
Dumb asses come in all races
A roundabout way of saying liberals are stupid…cant argue with that
Correcting grammar would mean actually “teaching” something they seem incapable of these days.
So let’s just let people walk around illiterate and speaking as if they never made it past 2nd grade. Hmmm even most 2nd graders have better grammar and enunciation.
You be so stupid
Another truck load of BS. This is nothing but a attempt to destroy our culture. These asses are trying to destroy our history by removing our statues and now they’re going after the way we communicate. Look at the common core trash in our schools. Time to stop this BS. They call us racists just for getting up in the morning and going to work. Since they don’t want to put forth the effort to learn to speak properly they call us racist for doing so. Time to place the blame where it belongs.