There exists among those on the left the belief that there remains, in each of us, a racist ready to burst forth to demean others. One way to contain these beasts until a proper education can improve humankind’s natural state is to deal with language. In this case, academia is going far beyond the racial slurs that we should all abhor. This talk revolves around language itself and the culture of racism these people believe permeates our entire society.
Does this now mean that the rules of grammar need to be made more flexible as part of this effort to root this alleged racism out of our language?
More on page two:
Ignorance. How many times now do you see misspelling, wrong Grammar, misused words. With all the aids avaviable there is no excuse. People now using racism as excuse for not knowing proper use of language. Not learning, not caring, people making fun of those who want to learn is racist. This happens to black students in black controlled schools everyday. Nothing is done. This is racist.
Utterly stupid..if you cannot speak correctly, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously..
I think Ebonics is racist
100% Wrong!
Why go to this institution of indoctrination ?
If you can not speak correctly, maybe a course in English would do you well. We as English speaking people should not be called raciest for speaking correctly.GO BACK TO SCHOOL
Richard Eddings Easier to control ignorant people than educated intelligent people.
Everything will soon be racist then there will be no need for professors and they will all be out of a job
Iza don’t wanna be learning proper English.