Henderson State University, a public college in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, placed signs around the school in an effort to ban saggy pants in August 2015, although they never created an official policy within their dress code.
The signs sought to crack down not only on saggy pants, but on profanity and rude behavior as well. The school felt the need to curb disruptive behavior that negatively influenced the learning environment.
Now, they have been forced to take the signs down as some are stating that the school is seeking to suppress black culture.
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At least its easier to catch the thugs with their pants falling off.
Honestly those guys look like drug addicts.
It’s about common decency! I’ve seen boys of all color, or lack there of, wearing their pants low, using poor language & being disrespectful. I think assuming this is racial, IS RACIST!!!
this is indecent exposure, and is against the law…..let’s arrest these people and give them a fine that will make them to not want to repeat ..
This is in any case a sign of fudge peckers in American jails. Ban this c**p
At least they must wear clean underwear daily?
I think this should be enforced to all BOARD Members on Lake SandSpur No Saggy Pants.
Take a look at Timmonsville, SC. They enacted the same ban. The town is majority black and so is the town council.
The whole deal with the saggy pants is a prison thing letting other inmates know that they are available for a little action, why this is a street thing I have no clue. Just figure that they are not too bright!
Should be locked up And key thrown away!