Henderson State University, a public college in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, placed signs around the school in an effort to ban saggy pants in August 2015, although they never created an official policy within their dress code.
The signs sought to crack down not only on saggy pants, but on profanity and rude behavior as well. The school felt the need to curb disruptive behavior that negatively influenced the learning environment.
Now, they have been forced to take the signs down as some are stating that the school is seeking to suppress black culture.
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It’s less that self respect it’s a lack of total judgement because sagging is from prison it means fill my p**p shoot please I’m in need of soups and tattoos. Sad but true. Metallica.
Yep a anything that they don’t like with, or disagree with…Yep it racist.
There weird
I don’t like that style.
But I will say this;
It was something popularized by a certain folk.
But they are natural trend setters, these folks.
Long story short, this is just another attempt by some people to… stifle the influence that a certain people have over another certain people.
So they want to make self expression by a certain folk(s) a criminal offense.
It is definitely racist.
In my opinion.
How is that even remotely racist? No one wants to look at your underpants. Do these idiots even know how this became a thing, or what it means? Pull your fuckin’ pants up loser!
Banning this is a good thing, banning those who think is racist is a great thing. Wearing your pants like this says YOU ARE GAY. Prison lingo 101, look it up.
So not wanting America’s crack problem in your face is racist.