Henderson State University, a public college in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, placed signs around the school in an effort to ban saggy pants in August 2015, although they never created an official policy within their dress code.
The signs sought to crack down not only on saggy pants, but on profanity and rude behavior as well. The school felt the need to curb disruptive behavior that negatively influenced the learning environment.
Now, they have been forced to take the signs down as some are stating that the school is seeking to suppress black culture.
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Bout fuggin time! If I see it I will yank them down to their ankles as tell them they are ready to be someone’s$#%&!@*in prison while I’m at it!!
OH bologna, get over it for petes sake and get those drawers pulled up!
“suppressing black culture” lol. What fucking culture???
Real attractive
So they are available and wanting to connect with other males! Make your parents proud and run around like that.
It is! in prison from what i am told.
looks stupid…but I wouldn
Proof that libtards do not believe black people are capable of a small tug on their own pants. Glad I am a conservative who believes there is absolutely no difference in capabilities or capacities between what morons call “the races.”
Why would u wear saggy pants anyway? Why not just wear boxer short then,you’re making yourself walk difficult.