The United Nations is once again sticking its unwanted nose into the affairs of American governance and history by suggesting that the United States should return some of the lands back to Native Americans in order to combat discrimination.
James Anaya, is a UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and making leaps that giving land back with somehow improve poverty issues for the Indian people. He seems to forget that the Tribes in the United States are sovereign and what happens on their reservations many times are based on the laws they create for themselves. Read more on page 2.
The UN needs to move out of the land the stole and, use it for homeless veterans.
They should move some place else…they are against us….need to no long abused our hospitality, our rights and freedom,… they so they desire to destroy or control…
The u.n. what hog wash! They want a new world order! No borders one form of rule! That was obama’s goal! Just putrid! And for all you believers: no borders, no sovernty ! What would happen to Indian tribes? They would get no land back! My family is native and if they believe this trash, they are doomed!
Get lost
They already have agreed to getting the reservations! Besides if they UN new anything about American Indians they would know theywere nomads that lived in certain regions and did not have the concept of property rights, hence the reservations!
Before making stupid statements, UN you should learn something about the subject matter!
UN needs to be dismantled.
How about we give them the land the UN sits on, it would make a good casino.
then it should be for all countries ! The Huns, Genghis Khan, And so forth ! How far back do you want to go ? Neanderthals ?
United nations can ES&D .