The United Nations is once again sticking its unwanted nose into the affairs of American governance and history by suggesting that the United States should return some of the lands back to Native Americans in order to combat discrimination.
James Anaya, is a UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and making leaps that giving land back with somehow improve poverty issues for the Indian people. He seems to forget that the Tribes in the United States are sovereign and what happens on their reservations many times are based on the laws they create for themselves. Read more on page 2.
This is what the are worried about while islamic$#%&!@*arm building nukes
they should talk we will when they do
Let’s start with the land that their building is on.
Karen Denise Soszynski Neid
You should study American history before the settlement of Europeans or other countries. Before the establishment of a country. And you will find there was disease, control, war among tribes, slave ownership of Mexicans as well as of other tribe members among Native American tribes. So you need a better argument than that.
While you’re at it, study the migration patterns of humans and learn where everyone actually came from before settling here….or on other continent’s for that matter. You would be wise to also study how borders and countries have changes throughout history.
Although I don’t appreciate how Native Americans have been treated, your statement is an uneducated one.
UN needs to find another country to get into. They are not welcome in our anymore.
The UN can go screw itself
I’m at church right now, praying for all of you !
Screw The U.N.
UN should stay out of America. The Indians have long lost their culture and way..