The United Nations is once again sticking its unwanted nose into the affairs of American governance and history by suggesting that the United States should return some of the lands back to Native Americans in order to combat discrimination.
James Anaya, is a UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and making leaps that giving land back with somehow improve poverty issues for the Indian people. He seems to forget that the Tribes in the United States are sovereign and what happens on their reservations many times are based on the laws they create for themselves. Read more on page 2.
UN is run by dicktators—get them out of the US.
Get rid of UN
Then who do they give it back to? They came in and killed or chased of other tribes to get it! While UN is at it why don’t they make every country do the same? Every country has at one time or another been invaded by someone else
I love it when Leftists say this. Ask them what they think happened to all of the native Americans in Canada and in Mexico. Are they to return their stolen lands too? Its funny how they always want the U.S. to return so called “stolen” lands but not anyone else! Not to mention that every single last nation standing today stole it’s land from someone else at some point in the past and in many case on multiple different occasions. LMAO!
Great idea
You know a lot of stuff has happened over the ages. How the hell are we supposed to put everything back the way it was? And in some cases why would we want to? And who gets to choose what we change back. It’s history! Some good some bad and I think all this is nuts. If we don’t like something try to change it now not history.
Jan Morris Winger, there is NO Palestine…never was, never will be.
This is reminding me of restitution demands. I must say it makes a Little more sense.
Niggas please!