Did you need another reason to hate the UN? Because they just gave us one.
Consider the world’s problems right now. Women are still being stoned to death for committing adultery in Saudi Arabia, ISIS continues to commit terror in the West, and Boko Haram is kidnapping young women and selling them into slavery in Africa. So what does the UN decide to focus on this week? American slavery, of course. You know, the kind that was abolished in 1863.
This is nothing new for the UN. Despite being funded largely by the United States, the organization loves criticizing America while ignoring the far more severe and much more recent tragedies happening across the globe.
They aren’t just issuing a centuries-late condemnation, though. They’re demanding action.
See what the UN says the United States should do to make amends for slavery on the next page:
Well, if the UN makes amends for the African Americans then they also have to make amends to the Native Americans. Not to mention the Japanese Americans for putting them in concentration camps during WWII. Also the UN must acknowledge how the Irish was treated back in the 19th century. What about the Jews? Oh yeah, they we granted their own nation … but by God, not the UN. Hmm. Let’s just acknowledge that all cultures everywhere have been discriminated against at some time and place. At the present it’s the rich against the poor. I’ll take a million or so. That would make amends.
Bull sh!t all the afracan slaves had a chances to go back they had free passage.not the Irish (slaves),not Chinese (slaves) ,not native Americans ( slaves)
Fπck!ng get over yourselves
what the hell is the matter with people who act like they’re in office .eat s**t
I’m far from being racist but this is bullsh!t. Oppression their was all kinds of nationalities in the gettos yes even whites so please stop yo s**t