It sure gets twisted when we have the UN accusing Obama for covering up the fact that Iran has violated sanctions so he could complete his Iranian nuke deal.
Many would place Obama in the UN’s pocket, yet they roll out a report on June 1st revealing this coverup.
The report claims Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia also turned a blind eye.
So what gives?
REALLY ?????
I was thinking also it’s a double twist. UN says Obama did something that isn’t provable and can look like their aren’t commies in bed with the evil Barry.
UN is right But really who F— ing cares what the UN thinks. get out of our country and stay out.
Of course everything thing he does is a huge cover-up……….
Ah geez you just did it again ! You know there’s probably about 55,000,000 people in the U.S. that despise his policies. Now compound that with a lot of the other countries in Asia.
I just found out about the other countries. Even Germany. Most of them are Muslim countries. It’s on their news quite often where they are calling him horrible names and making fun of him. They keep saying “Wake up American people!”.
The hell with impeachment, why isn’t he in prison or in guantanamo with his own kind or has he turned them all loose.
Duh. You think?