It sure gets twisted when we have the UN accusing Obama for covering up the fact that Iran has violated sanctions so he could complete his Iranian nuke deal.
Many would place Obama in the UN’s pocket, yet they roll out a report on June 1st revealing this coverup.
The report claims Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia also turned a blind eye.
So what gives?
The 2016 Fair Shake Party ; 2016 US Presidential Election’s
“Rle, and Howard 2016 Presidental run..{“The Fair Shake Party” write In..}, We want every person in America to have A(One Million Dollar Acc’ A yearly Vacation, A Place you can call home And Beable to put food on your Table!}With Terms and Guidance’s. “Thats investing in the American People’s! Americans can go forward into the Future to Help THE FAIR SHAKE PARTY BUILD AMERICA” Thats how we See it..! “.’We Do want you to have a productive healthy Life! Yes we need You on the Team__The Fair Shake Party. ” We have Dreams, And We know You have a Dream too. “All Donation’s;’Investments;Money Orders;Checks,Or Wire Transfers:(Memo:Your complete Full Name-Address ‘To):
Att: Rlee Group -P.O. Box 962, Winterhaven, CA.,92283-0962 USA Or Contact Chief of Financs” Thank You.(The ‘2016 Fair Shake Party 2016 Presidential Campaign!)
Any Person can join the Team , And can invite anyone to join. “it FREE..
Veterans’ Sign up too..”the same from the campaign; its been to long for American Familys in persacution programs from bad politicians for profits: persicusans. “Yes We need you on the Fair Shake Party Team, We Belieave every citizen of the USA Has the Right to Vote;
“Flag day june 14-2015..
“Celebrate ‘Father’s June 21-2015:
‘Independance Day”Celebrating 4th of July’
Note: THE Great Simbol of AMERICA THE BALD EAGLE ONLY, NOT A Donkey, Elephant, Horse, Rat Etc. “In God We Trust”
The 2016 Fair Shake Party: 2016 US Presidential Election Campaign;
“Are you tried of being recycle out of a life ? Your propertys, having a bad day… “Vote for the “Fair Shake Party” get out of the bad politics…The plan for American familys and relatives that support U.S.C. US Citizenship..! It incluudds single persons as well(All Americans)Each person gets a “One Millon Dollar Bank Account -A ‘Guranteed “Vacation Once a year. W/Terms”, We don’t belieave people should have to depend on welfare systems that burn your life away; very important times from your life, and losing all the investments in your personal Educational backgrounds, Your Educational training, Schools, College credits Your State liciense, Gov’t liciense, Federal liciense you have earn to better your personal life in lew of Welfare systems ! Or Your Hard Work..!
‘Write In: Vote : “Fair Shake Party” join the 2016 Election Campaign;
Team 2016….. Build a Team Website on facebook….The fair Shake Party…!
All “Donation’s;’Investments;Money Orders;Checks,Or Wire Transfers: (Memo:Your complete Full Name-Address ‘To):
Att:Rlee Group -P.O. Box 962, Winterhaven, CA., 92283-0962 USA (only). Thank You..(The 2016 Fair Shake Party)
‘Everyone is Welcome to “Joining is free” In to help not just to build ‘ONE FALLING NATION, WHERE EVEN OTHER NATION’S CAN BUILD ON THE SAME Principle Basics.. “In God We trust” “Yes We need you on the Fair Shake Team, We Need You to call your State, Federal Represenatives, Your Senitors, Your Governors, Tell them you want ” The Fair Shake Party 2016 to win in 2016 Presidential Election’s).
All Citizens have a Mind, The Cons$#%&!@*ution doesn’t dis-own its Citizens, Only People Do : We Beleiave all Citizens of the USA have the Right to Vote even under controlled Persicusan’s.. The Right way to build or rehab the American People’s We Need You on are President Campaign 2016, Know is the time to build in the right direction..For America…For You, For Your Family, For Your Friends..
Anyone can join , And can invite anyone to join…its free to..
Vet’s get the same from the campaign; its been to long for there familys in persacution programs from bad politicians for profits: persicusans. “Yes We need you on the Fair Shake Team, We Belieave every ctizen of the USA Has the Right to Vote; Even in a controlled Persicusan..!
Food for thought: issue’s read what are partys see’s for Americas ffuture: in other words give that money to a stranger) to look after her infant when it should be the mother doing it herself Why? “Americans don’t even realize that in most other countries it’s 6, 9 or even 12 MONTHS of paid leave for a mom giving birth. Isn’t it messed up that a mother goes back to work right after she had a baby only to earn money to pay for a babysitter, daycare in other words give that money to a stranger to look after her infant when it should be the mother doing it herself Why? this is why american familys are failing.
! Anyone can invite to join the team! Yes we need everyones help to build a better world: and a falling nation, We beleiave the world can be built with out war! Americans replacing adults with children from other countrys the slave markets on children. “Guess whos praying for these payed leave’s from work You Guessed it, American Taxs, American non profit org’s, They move to Canada or other countys vacating Americans, Raping the Tax Dollars, Destoying every bit of proof they exsisted.
Flag Day ‘June 14, 2015
Celebrate ‘Father’s June 21-2015:
Independance Day”Celebrating 4th of July’
Ron I’m going to bust a rib !!
Bill Bendall, you’ve got that right! And Travis Converse said they were just as bad as Obama, and that also is correct!
Wow , are are y’all late to the party.
Oooooo big suprise ???
That’s it, you took me over the edge Ron. Can’t see anything for the tears of laughter !
Well duh! That’s what we’ve been saying!!
Tell me more Please
Suprise. Suprise.
BARRY and the UN are playing AMERICANS!! Not buying into this!!!