It sure gets twisted when we have the UN accusing Obama for covering up the fact that Iran has violated sanctions so he could complete his Iranian nuke deal.
Many would place Obama in the UN’s pocket, yet they roll out a report on June 1st revealing this coverup.
The report claims Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia also turned a blind eye.
So what gives?
Why am I not supprised?
Just one more traitorous act. How many does it take?
wright or call your congress man to defund the un and kick them out of the usa
Now there’s a surprise. NOT.
Obama set out even before he was elected to give Iran nuclear capacity…remember when he said “Of course, I’ll sit down and talk with Iran with no prior conditions .” He fully intended to help Iran gain world power EVEN BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED. The American people did not know of his Muslim indoctrination during his formative years in Islamic religious schools so they could not see what he was doing. Now he is using American resources to create the Islamic Caliphate and no one in a position of power is lifting a finger to stop him!!!
truth and action ministries. google them.
Obama friends
Obamas policies weaken our country and he has commited treason with every action that weakened our nation. He has cover for Muslim extremist, under estimated our enimies (in my opinion on purpose), promotes racial unrest, does not hold criminals accountable ( again my opinion is he is one), and refuses to follow the cons$#%&!@*ution. We need to real in the executive order process. The uses need to be narrowed.
Obama lies to everyone every time he opens his mouth.
Lots of chicanery going on in Obama’s administration.