It sure gets twisted when we have the UN accusing Obama for covering up the fact that Iran has violated sanctions so he could complete his Iranian nuke deal.
Many would place Obama in the UN’s pocket, yet they roll out a report on June 1st revealing this coverup.
The report claims Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia also turned a blind eye.
So what gives?
Of course he did
Traitor ! Impeach & deport!
Is there anyone this Obummer won’t lie too
Obama will be arrested we have to wait till he’s out of office or the liberals will scream racism.
Oh not Mr honesty..lmfao
Tried for treason! Stop the nonsense and do it!
Lies and more lies!
Oh my, I am sooo surprised…NOT!!!
Oh he does! He hates America and he got that from his communist dad who hated America