It sure gets twisted when we have the UN accusing Obama for covering up the fact that Iran has violated sanctions so he could complete his Iranian nuke deal.
Many would place Obama in the UN’s pocket, yet they roll out a report on June 1st revealing this coverup.
The report claims Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia also turned a blind eye.
So what gives?
This is an open letter to the House of Representatives, to all senators and all Congressman.
I am a United States citizen and I’ve been following this Iran nuclear deal, and I want you individuals in the House of Representatives to know and understand, I personally find this agreement with Iran I direct threat to my life, to my family’s life, to my friends and to my countries existence .
To those of you who are considering voting for this agreement with Iran, I would like you to know as an American citizen I feel personally threatened by this action, I personally will join whatever militia group, patriot group that will have me, that is willing to hold you , and your family personally accountable for your actions.
If I have to come in a wheelchair Dragging oxygen tank, and all I have is rocks, my aim will be true, and my intentions will be just.
The American citizens will bring consequences directly to your doorstep for your treasonous actions.
You were elected to office to represent the citizens of the United States of America, you were not appointed king, nor was this president.
Remember these things, every citizen of the United States of America, has held every position, from sanitation, to soldier, police officer, mechanic, and some of us have even been $#%&!@*$#%&!@*ins for this country, and we are who make up the citizens of this country.
I stand with and by my fellow Americans, if and when they have had enough count me in Bill Sharpe, Wicked men know not justice, but a just man, will understand all things ! .I wrote this open letter to the Congress into the Senate, my father my uncles, my grandfathers fought to protect this country in the great wars, they were willing to give up their lives for the precious gift known as freedom, and the Cons$#%&!@*ution on which it stands. They were willing to go to foreign lands surrender their lives for these things, knowing that their sacrifices if needed to be would be for the survival of their country and their family. So senators and congressmen if you’re planning on voting for this Iraq nuclear deal, I am a relative of these brave men, I will not have to cross any oceans, invading $#%&!@* summary, I will not have to and face any machine-gun embankments small islands in the Pacific, or face down Tiger or panther tanks, so who is going to protect you and your family, if you vote for this treasonous contract against the people of the United States of America, because we are your police, we are your military, we are the people, and if you do not work for us that you must be working supporting a foreign government !!! To those of you who agree with these things, copy and send this your Congressman if they plan on voting for this nuclear deal, jail, death , or freedom it’s your choice !!!
Obama and the U.N. Need to go
I hope GOP Senators are smart and file a complaint and should chastise him for this in the UN.. Yes against our own president for doing this! Uncalled for!
They knew all about Obama and Iran deal long before we did . The whole UN is nothing but terrorist .
Obama is Muslim Brotherhood. READ this.
Surprise, surprise
Nuke and deal should not be in the same sentence. Shame on Obama shame on this country.
UN ousted this info b/c they are expecting a revolt by us american citizens before they can LEGALLY $#%&!@*ist in the confiscation of guns!!!