United Nations: Obama Hid Iran Sanctions Violations To Get Them A Nuke Deal

Researchers from Bloomberg News states there could be a variety of reasons as to why the P5+1 countries have remained silent on this issue:

One is that Western powers are satisfied that Iran has cracked down on sanctions evasion activities related to the nation’s nuclear program, while pushing ahead with violations that Western powers may be less concerned about. Another is that the Obama administration and its partners may simply be turning a blind eye to a wider slate of sanctions violations in the interest of pushing forward at all costs with the nuclear talks.

“The current situation with reporting could reflect a general reduction of procurement activities by the Iranian side or a political decision by some member states to refrain from reporting to avoid a possible negative impact on ongoing negotiations” between Iran and six world powers, states the report, according to Bloomberg.

Source: washingtontimes.com

Ok, so they can violate the sanctions that are of less importance?

When something doesn’t smell right you can bet that deception is involved.

More than likely, Iran, the US  and all these nations are in bed together under the UN banner. The United Nations is set to become the world government…so they need to continuously be the judge, jury and savior. This is likely just propaganda to meet that end.



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