California is seeing the worst drought in over 1,200 years. A full 78% of the Garden State is experiencing exceptionally severe drought conditions. This is a 22% increase from just a year ago.
Pictures from just a few years ago that illustrate just how bad the problem is, and it seems no solution is in sight. Now, one delegate from the UN is stating that evacuation is a possibility. Will the blue helmets arrive to help facilitate the relocation of tens of millions of Americans?
i see widiyanto finish shake hands with wali but they still want kill widiyanto from indonesia almost dead. he kill by his neighbors.suarmi.santoso.alex.and them famyly. and ida sukapura.artist .civil servants. they want kill widiyanto. kill them if widiyanto dead. widiyanto dead is killing by them. so kill them too. they want kill widiyanto’s mother too.kill them if widi and his mother dead.that is because mr.sugianto to long come to lumbang mosque.he is a head master of widiyanto. heis lier.he much reason
Ooooops! Its not only Gaborone
U.N , ? this is none of their business !
Mexico will take it !
no way
Good, get all the illegals out!
Maybe to the middle East. Population Reduction and Control Agenda.
It is due to anti-science policies lobbied for by well-heeled California environmentalists.
Environmental regulations mandate that water that would sustain 4.4 million families gets flushed this way(go into the ocean as runoff), regardless of drought conditions (however, farmers do get penalized during a drought, the environment must come before food). Meanwhile, Governor Jerry Brown just now got around to mandating water conservation among his wealthiest and most loyal voters. It had to be mandated because the wealthy are not conserving anything the way the more agricultural sections of California have been doing for two years.
send them to serya….lol