California is seeing the worst drought in over 1,200 years. A full 78% of the Garden State is experiencing exceptionally severe drought conditions. This is a 22% increase from just a year ago.
Pictures from just a few years ago that illustrate just how bad the problem is, and it seems no solution is in sight. Now, one delegate from the UN is stating that evacuation is a possibility. Will the blue helmets arrive to help facilitate the relocation of tens of millions of Americans?
Nada but claiming to help us and provide water gives them a foothold on us soil. If it’s not California then they have warned of intervention in Detroit due to mass water shut offs.
Weather Modification is killing California!
Desalination plants and new reservoirs are under so much liberal red tape it stalls any implementation. Yet we dump trillions of gallons into the ocean to protect Smelt. Stupid bait fish is more important to our douche governor than fresh water for the people.
Keep in mind that UN is muslim dominated
Sounds like Karma
They have already given all of this to China CA, AZ,OR, WA !!!
California cannot manage their natural resources. Because of their arcane laws, they are more like the USSR.
So wasteful and inefficient, and can’t see it.
Tampering with the flow of a lifesource is at least attempted murder. This is a control and herd operation .
Thats just disgusting
Stay out off Colorado!!!