California is seeing the worst drought in over 1,200 years. A full 78% of the Garden State is experiencing exceptionally severe drought conditions. This is a 22% increase from just a year ago.
Pictures from just a few years ago that illustrate just how bad the problem is, and it seems no solution is in sight. Now, one delegate from the UN is stating that evacuation is a possibility. Will the blue helmets arrive to help facilitate the relocation of tens of millions of Americans?
Send them to Mexico ,not to Texas.
best be prepared…it’s begun and evidently being put to action
What business is it of theirs???
California has caused it’s own death by putting liberals in high places!
First, stop watering the golf courses.
Second stop watering the lawns
Third send ALL illegal immigrants home(wherever)
Also start using desalination plants that have already been built.
Send all illegals home….shut down the golf courses & stop watering lawns in the ritzy neighborhoods. Use the existing desalination plants & build more. You’re already using the Colorado watershed & who knows how many others. Fix it….& quit griping.
Right there with you !
The bible is a man written book….translated so many times nobody knows what it really said in it. Talking snakes….magic apples….immaculate conception…. (lol…*whew*let me catch my breath on THAT one) ..a god who wants you to fear him. No thank you. Didn’t buy it as a kid….still don’t. My Lord & Lady are all loving. We need not prostrate ourselves before them…we openly walk to their embrace. I feel so try for the rest of you. I truly do. Before you start…I don’t believe in Satan or Hell. I am realistic. Each of us are inherently both good & evil….it’s a choice. And yes, at times evil is the correct path.