California is seeing the worst drought in over 1,200 years. A full 78% of the Garden State is experiencing exceptionally severe drought conditions. This is a 22% increase from just a year ago.
Pictures from just a few years ago that illustrate just how bad the problem is, and it seems no solution is in sight. Now, one delegate from the UN is stating that evacuation is a possibility. Will the blue helmets arrive to help facilitate the relocation of tens of millions of Americans?
When two or more agree….thank you Harley
Yep! And all them thar REEEEEELLY stupid Dumbocrap voters should all don their bathing suits and ‘migrate’ to the West of Leftofornia!
Is this real?
California should slide off into the ocean with all thier imagrants.
Its part of Agenda21 / NWO / Mega cities plan
Somebody tell the UN to go suck an egg.
Most of them are illegal aliens there aee from Mexico so migrate them back to Mexico.
Yea, please move all of the Leftist out of California so we can build more Dams which the leftie were apposed to…
All men are born with the sin nature the children of satan.and until they repent and call on the name of Jesus they are lost and on their way to hell with the devil and his fallen angels, and that is why they must be born again if they want to ever go to heaven?
And this comes as a surprise to who?